⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️‘Summer Fishing in Lapland’ by Juhani Karila and translated by Lola Rogers is not a book you are going to forget in a hurry.
This book is an international bestseller which has been translated into 13 languages and its easy to understand why.
This book is a pure explosion to your senses.
Elina is making her annual trip to a family farm in Lapland to catch pike. If she does not do it in time it will have devastation effects for her and her loved one.
Elina finds this year difficult as she discovers a range of supernatural beings along the way.
The characters in this book are visual and you get invested in what happens to them. They are also characters that you could not dream up!
This book is very readable even though it keeps surprising you in twists and turns you didnt expect.
A book that is going to stay with you and one that you will not read another one like in a long time.
Thank you to the author, translator and publisher for allowing me to start this great blog tour.
Book is out now and it is highly recommended to fans who want to experience an original tale!