⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Murder at Church Lodge' by Greg Mosse is described as a 'cosy thriller'. It is indeed that but so much more.
Maisie Cooper has returned from France where she lives after a mysterious message is left for her from her brother who she has not seen for some time. When she gets to the little village where her brother lives she is met by his solicitor and it seems that her brother has died. In fact she finds out he has been murdered.
This book comes with a whole range of characters that play a part in the tale and all of them are great characters and play their part.
It may be described as 'cosy' but it has the page turning quality of all the great thriller books and is a delight to read.
The setting of a sleepy little village is great when it is accompanied by all the unusual and well described characters.
A real twist and turn novel and one that I hope is the first in a series of books involving the great character of Maisie Cooper.
Thank you so much to the author and publisher in allowing me to be a part of this blog tour and this is one of my reads of the year.