⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Henshaw Five' is the fifth anthology to contain stories written as part of the Henshaw Press Short Story Competition.
Once I started to read this I could not put it down.
There are twenty one stories in this book and each could be read with a cup of tea. The quality of writing is amazing and a lot of the stories stay with you after you have read them.
A lot also have a killer twist at the end of the tale.
I have so many favourites in this book.
I absolutely loved 'Remembering Frank' by Steve Burford, that tells a tale of a meeting of young and older generations and acceptance.
A story that tells a chilling tale of revenge is 'I Hope This Finds You Well' by Richard Westwell. This is the last story in the collection and it certainly ends the collection with a bang.
I would highly recommend this collection.
Thanks to the authors and Hobeck in allowing me to read this book in return for a review. I look forward to future collections.